Sunday, January 13, 2008
13/366: Dinner for a Gloomy Day

Today was a perfect day to head to some museums. When it's cold, but not freezing, and the sun is covered by clouds, I long to be within the walls of these magical buildings that hold so many creations of people here now and wayyyy before me.

Okay...any day for me is a great museum day, but being a museum visitor doesn't exactly pay bills, sooo...

anyway, on overcast days where it seems like the sky is holding fistfuls of rain in its cloud-hands, I'm usually in the mood for chili.


It definitely hit the spot today.

Disclaimer: As you can see, I need to perfect my food photography skills :)

P.S. I can't find the lens cap to my nifty fifty lens :( anyone know where I can find a replacement?

Posted by Marlene at 11:08 PM 1 Comments

12/366: Mashed potatoes and Baby.

Yeah, number 11 is missing. :-( It was either run back in the house, grab my camera off the couch, then drive in to work and spend $14 on parking, or spend significantly less on the bus ride to the Metro (but please don't think I didn't seriously consider running back up the hill to my house :)

I did make up for it, however:

Sequence of Cuteness

Mr. Hammy. Today he was extraordinarily ecstatic, I'm sure it was because Grandma fed him some mashed potatoes before I started shooting (which everyone knows, is possibly the best food in the whole wide world. I'm talking nirvana, even.). His top teeth are slowly growing in, and as if to confirm what I already suspected, he gave my hand a nice little nibble. You know, just to show off his new wares :)

I think the world would be a much better place if babies existed everywhere. Can you imagine? They'd just entertain everyone, doing baby things. Like, flicking the door stopper (I have yet to get a photo of this, because the minute he notices the camera he either wants to ham or try to taste my flash unit. I'm going to have to go on stealth mode and shoot from around the corner with the telephoto). The BOOOOIIINNNNG keeps him enthralled for hours.

Okay, not really hours, because he has such a short attention span, but at least a good five minutes which is like a decade in baby time.

Offices would be cheerier places, if a) babies existed in every cubicle b) they had door stoppers to play with, and c) guilt-free, non-fat mashed potatoes were served in vats. The economy would be stable. People would rediscover the value of a smile. World leaders would just hug it out, because you can't be angry at each other when you've just seen a baby BOIIIIINNNNNNG a door stopper.

Pose for the camera now (c) Beyonce

Babies, world peace, and...mashed potatoes. The possibilities are endless.

Posted by Marlene at 1:13 AM 2 Comments