Sunday, December 30, 2007
Adorably Angry Nephew: Less Angry, Sharp Toothed, and CRAWLING

I know every time I visit my brother and sister-in-law, I'd better bring my camera. With good reason, my nephew is always learning new stuff and it's fun to capture him.

Sooo...update. He's CRAWLING NOW! And he has two more little rice grains that will grow in soon and become his top teeth, which I'm sure he will sink into my flesh as a means of revenge for making him sit outside in the hot sun for his first blog debut. I've taken to wearing long sleeved shirts just as a precaution.

Don't be fooled. They're razor sharp.

See? Those are little baby arms of steel.

Engrossed in Leap Frog Toy.

He's a FAST crawler, so it's fun to keep up with him/put bright toys in his path so he stays still long enough so I can snap a photo of him.

I have a proud Auntie moment. He's learning that banging those rings together you see make a REALLY LOUD noise. I taught him how to do it a few weeks ago, and he would just sit and watch, absorbing everything. Now that he's learned how to do it himself, he gets this look of determination on his face and I'm sure that in due time, he'll be the next ?uestlove, because he's got RHYTHM!

I'm convinced he's destructive and will break these toys in a few months.

Either that, or we'll enter him in some plastic ring eating contest:

Either that, or he'll eat them.


Diaper Booty!

Being tickled by Grandma. See the teeth up top? Weapons of Skin Destruction:

Grandma tickling him.

Blurry, but shows seconds before I was maimed by a wild 8 month old child:


My arm is still in a cast. I'm typing with one hand and a pencil in my mouth.

Posted by Marlene at 9:45 PM 0 Comments