Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Adorably Angry Baby.

My nephew is cute. Angry, but most likely and quite possibly the cutest baby in the world. Since his arrival, I've been snapping away. Lots of photos in this post, so I hope you enjoy!


About four months ago, my super-pregnant sis-in-law wanted me to shoot her maternity photos. I remember we decided on a Saturday morning, and I woke up extra early to make sure I had everything packed. As I was about to head to my car, my cell phone went off. It was a text message from my brother saying 'Um. We gotta cancel the photo shoot. We're on our way to the hospital.'

I was crestfallen. Not as much as my sister though :)

His name is Donald Ryan. My father calls him little Chili Bean. Which sounds way cuter in spanish, frijolito. All of us have horrible nicknames, btw; my brother and I are tortugas or turtles, my sister is a snail, and my niece is a rat (Don't ask.)

To this day, I scratch my head when I think about how my father came up with these odd names for us.

Anyway, here he is when he was brand new and shiny. I think he was a few weeks old in this pic. Already unimpressed with large people with booming voices:

newly arrived.

Here he is with Gramps. He just woke up from his nap. Notice the dried milk around his mouth:

just woke up from nap.

Again, with bedhead, held by my niece. But curious about the big black lens in his face. Almost smiling.


He decided to express his anger towards the paparazzi:

overwhelmed by photographer.

I was saddened by his actions and packed up my camera and left the house in tears, vowing never to return.

However, his mom called and said that he wouldn't be so hard on me the next time I showed up, so I agreed to a re-shoot this past weekend.

Things started off on an interesting note. It amazes me how a little person who weighs probably about as much as my left arm can control a house full of grown-ups. He didn't want to wear shoes, he didn't want his hair combed, he didn't want a bottle, and he made sure everybody knew that he was not pleased!

Eventually he settled down. We went outside. My brother, his dear father, began to play a game of catch-the-baby:

Poor child.

He wasn't feeling that too much. So we laid him on the grass so he could look at the pretty blue sky and puffy clouds. Instead he glared at me, undoubtedly plotting revenge, taking inventory in his baby-brain, and storing a mental note in his Rolodex, perhaps when he could be able to crawl towards me and smash my camera into tiny pieces.

curious anger.

He's not able to sit up on his own yet, so we propped him up against his Bumbo (this strange torture contraption that I'm sure I will invest in when we have a baby), but he continued to plan for world domination accordantly.

I pity the Fool!

After he voiced his disapproval of the outside world as his backdrop, we brought him inside. Instantly, his disposition changed. Okay, I'm lying. It wasn't instant. I bribed him with one of his many many many colorful and loud toys:

clever babysmiling invention.

We also learned that he loves to exist without clothes.

And that he's quite the Ladies' Man:

He has a way with Mommy:

Ladies' Man.

And Abuelita:

i can eat my fists!

And...yours truly. I fell under the spell:

tickled and naked.


Posted by Marlene at 2:21 PM 2 Comments